2009 3rd Quarter Community Impact Funds Recipients
Level $500 to $2,500
Burke Museum Association
To support the "Weaving Heritage: Textile Masterpieces from the Burke" ethnic textiles and master weavers collection.
Christmas House
To provide Christmas gifts for an estimated 10,000 children from 3,470 low-income families at the 2009 event.
Conservation NW
To mobilize support for adoption of a gray wolf recovery plan.
Environmental Education Association of WA
To support the "Shadow of the Salmon" project curriculum, as well as educator and professional development.
Faith in Action
To provide home assistance, workshops, seminars, health-related referrals, transition support, and social support for elders.
Haller Lake Christian Health Clinic
Used towards the $100,000 matching for a mobile medical vehicle.
Highline Medical Center Foundation
To fund construction of a new emergency room to support the SeaTac Airport.
To provide low-income students knowledge of the environment and promote interest in stewardship.
Kateri Northwest Ministry Institute
To support ministry among Urban Indians and to provide texts and other educational support materials.
Kin On Community Health Care
To support creating a culturally relevant hospice program for Asian patients.
Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center
To assist children by providing enhanced hippotherapy, therapeutic and adaptive riding therapy.
Living Word Christian Center
Church services and community outreach to provide food, haircuts, school supplies.
MPHS Volleyball Program
To provide volleyball uniforms, equipment, and camps for youth.
Navy League of the US, Greater Everett, WA Council
To provide assistance to approximately 400 families who are in need at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
North Snohomish Group Home Association / Quilceda Community Services
To purchase art supplies and materials for adults with developmental disabilities.
Okanogan County Historical Society / Heart of the Methow Pow Wow
To help develop relationships through education, cultural experiences, and celebrations.
Olympic Ballet Theatre
"The Nutcracker" production in December and "Swan Lake-Act II" in April/May.
Pacific Premier FC / Washington Rush Soccer
To help cover the registration fees, new uniforms, equipment, first aid kits, field maintenance fees, and to assist with hardship cases.
Providence Pariseau/Providence Hospitality House
To support The Sustainable Path for Children project which provides services to children 3-12 who are homelessness and living in poverty.
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance
To support enforcement of the law that makes polluters protect water quality.
Senior Services of Snohomish County
To support the provision of 12,275 meals to 550 low income seniors through the senior services multicultural center which focuses on the unique needs of different elder populations.
Shared Housing Services
To help support the Home Share Program so it can provide alternative housing solutions which foster independence and help prevent homelessness.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Snohomish County
To provide new beds and bedding for children living in extreme poverty.
Sound Mental Health
To promote ongoing safety of the family, as well as reduce children's trauma symptoms and the resulting aggressive behaviors.
Sound Works/Sound Works Job Center
To provide low-income or homeless clients with free employment counseling, job placement, and assistance.
Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation
To help seriously ill children and their families cope though education and family activities
The Arc of Snohomish County
To help cover costs for fundraising affected by Washington State funding cuts which assist individuals with developmental disabilities.
Treehouse Properties
To help with preliminary costs to construct a 7 unit, two-story, 6378 square foot housing complex for adults with disabilities.
Warm Beach Health Care Center, Inc.
To help cover the cost of installing 24 free swing doors and closers in assisted living buildings.
Washington Environmental Council
To support the Live It: Celebrating our land, air, and water sponsorship that celebrates people and communities.
To support the capital campaign to build a community center.
Whidbey Institute @ Chinook/Good Cheer Food Bank
To provide the foodbank with fresh organic produce, community service and service learning opportunities for students.
World of Hearts
To help with food, utilities, or moving in order to assist with helping people get their lives back in order.
WSU Foundation/National Society of Minorities in Hospitality
To provide funding for national dues, NSM Hospitality Conference registration, insurance, supplies, guest speakers, and events.
YMCA Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Celebration
To support the capital campaign to build a community center.
Young Life
To provide camp scholarships for 10 kids with special needs and disabilities, and to support costs for leadership.
Level $2,501 to $5,000
Chinese Information and Service Center
To provide culturally competent, linguistically accessible employment services.
Edmonds Community College Foundation
To help with scholarships that provide students with options in pursuing careers.
Imagine Children's Museum
To support the expansion of the current facility in order to accommodate growth in the region.
Medic I EMS Foundation
To support the charity auction for training 16 new paramedics and purchasing medical equipment.
To support the purchase of a Kawai 506N Institutional Studio Piano and a Conn 36K Series Fiberglass Sausaphone with storage case.
Northhaven, Inc.
To assist with affordable housing and compassionate care to improve the quality of life for seniors.
Northwest Indian College
To support the growth of the Cooperative Extension Office's Traditional Plants and Food Programs.
Operation Nightwatch
To support emergency shelter and support services for homeless people in downtown Seattle.
Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group
To educate 400 middle school students about watersheds and salmon habitat.
Skagit Land Trust
To permanently protect salmon habitat, other wildlife, and resource lands in Skagit area.
Sky Valley Food Bank
To provide supplemental bulk food for 10 meals per family each week.
Snohomish County Volunteer Search & Rescue
To purchase new seat belts/shoulder harnesses for our helicopter to comply with Federal Forest Service Guidelines.
Snohomish Senior
To promote and enhance the physical, emotional, intellectual, and economic well-being of older adults.
United Indians
To support the 2009 Native American and Veterans Business Conference and Trade Show sponsorship
WSU Beach Watchers Snohomish County Extension
To support the 2009 Native American and Veterans Business Conference and Trade Show sponsorship.
Level $7,501 to $10,000
Indian Education Office/Office of Superintendent
To provide teacher support of and lesson plans for the Since Time Immemorial: Tribal Sovereignty curriculum.
Lummi Cedar Project
To support the Native Youth Leadership program that helps prevent substance abuse, gang violence, and drop-outs.
The Monroe Historical Society
To support the planning phase prepare detailed architectural and engineering drawings of Old City Hall for Museum.
Washington State Gaming
To support the Northwest Indian Applied Research Institution program.
Level $10,000 plus
Boys & Girls Club of Snohomish County
To provide programming support for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Snohomish County.
To provide assistance with 2010 Tribal Journeys.
Marysville Food Bank
To help Tulalip people in the Marysville community needing basic assistance.
Providence Foundation
To fulfill designated pledge commitment to the Providence Cancer Foundation.
Quil Ceda Elementary
To provide musical instruments and equipment to help all special needs and at risk students have access to a music program.
St. Annes Church
To help repair major safety hazards at the historical church located on Tulalip Bay.
Totem Middle School
To help purchase Yamaha Corporation's MIE-16 keyboards in order to accommodate 30 students.
Tulalip Elementary PTSA
To help the "qwi'qwcut-Making Yourself Strong" program through healthy events and activities provided throughout the school year to help the body, mind, and spirit.
Tulalip Food Bank
To support tribal homes needing basic assistance during economic times.
Tulalip Foundation
To provide specialty items for the Hibulb Cultural Center, educational resources for natural history preserve, classroom supplies and equipment.
To help support operations.