2020 2nd Quarter Community Impact Funds Recipients
Level $500 to $2,500
Level $2,501 to $5,000
Everett Clubhouse for Mental Health Rehab
To help people living with mental illness-ending isolation.
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Hope Creek Charitable Foundation
To help support the Mill Creek Community Food Bank and weekend backpack programs.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Interfaith Association of Northwest Washington
To help provide PPE, preventive, and treatment supplies for the shelter.
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Monroe Gospel Women's Mission
To help with new dressers, bed frames, thermometers, and face shields.
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Sherwood Community Services
The Arc of Snohomish County
To help provide a HIPAA compliant phone system so that services can be provided wherever staff are working.
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To help with rent assistance and flex funding for utilities, food, medication, childcare, and transportation.
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Level $5,001 to $7,500
HopeWorks Social Enterprises
To help support the Kindred Kitchen Culinary Training Program, a program for homeless youth and adults.
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Level $7,501 to $10,000
Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians
To provide convention sponsorship.
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Child Advocacy Center/Dawson Place
To help support the services provided to sexually and physically abused children.
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College Success Foundation
To help provide sponsorships, scholarships, and Governors Cup to low income underserved youth.
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Everett Gospel Mission
To help support homeless men.
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Everett Recovery Café
Evergreen Goodwill
To help provide help with rent, food, utility bills, medical care, and technology assistance.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Hungry Hearts Foundation
To help provide food packages to kids.
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Mercy Housing Northwest
To help provide services to low income elders and disabled adults in Snohomish County.
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Pioneer Human Services
To help provide rent relief, gas cards, or grocery gift cards to those in need.
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Safe Harbor Free Clinic
To help support Chronic Care, Podiatry, Respiratory, Ultrasound, Cardiology, and Dental Clinics.
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Salvation Army
To help provide gas cards, bus passes, grocery gift cards, and help with rental and utility bills.
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Snohomish County Health District Medical Reserve Corps
To help provide important PPE to to volunteers working outside at COVID-19 testing sites.
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St. Vincent de Paul
To help with housing, rent, and utilities for those in need.
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Stillaguamish Senior Center
To help provide PPE to staff and clients so that the center can be reopened.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Level $10,001 plus
Cocoon House
Community Resources Foundation
To help support struggling youth in the community.
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Compass Health
To help provided technology services for care delivery.
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Domestic Violence of Snohomish County
To help support those in the community.
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Empowerment through Connection/NW Hearts United Foundation
To help provide needed services to youth and family's in Snohomish County.
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Housing Hope
To help prevent homelessness.
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Imagine Children's Museum
Marysville Community Food Bank
Peoria Home
To help provide life-skill services to clients.
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Providence Hospital Foundation
To help provide rapid testing machines at clinics.
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Red Cross
To help provide needed services to those in need.
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Salmon Defense
To help support increasing salmon in pacific northwest wasters.
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Snohomish County Music Project
To help support at-risk children in the community.
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The NOAH Center
To help provide pet spay and neuter services to to low income families.
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Volunteers of America
To help provide assistance with mental well-being, food, rent, utilities, and other finances.
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Washington Vocational Services
Work Force Development Center
To help provice Aerospace Assembly Mechanic Apprenticeship's and placement program's for youth.
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Work Opportunities
To help provide work opportunities to youth.
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