2012 2nd Quarter Community Impact Funds Recipients
Level $500 to $2,500
Assistance League of Bellingham
To support the Enrichment Scholarship Program for talented and motivated students grades 6-11.
Bastyr University
Created a classroom to teach about the Pacific Northwest Sacred Seeds Ethnobotanical Trail for tribes, herbalists and K-12 groups.
Camano Law Enforcement Support Foundation
To purchase a radar speed sign unit to slow vehicles in parks-safety measure for pedestrians and animals.
Environmental Fund of Washington
Supplement conservation and environmental organization, sustainable business practices-communications through radio and speakers bureau.
League of Women Voters of Snohomish County
To Print the "They Represent You" and distribute them free across the county.
Legal Counsel for Youth & Children
To improve the lives of children in Washington's child welfare system through specialized legal advocacy.
North American Motor Officers Association (NAMOA)
To provide support for the 4 day conference to promote safe motorcycle operation.
Seattle Education Access
To help low income with College Success Program with advising, career counseling, tutoring and scholarships.
Snohomish & Island County Fire
To assist education program for fire district, granting Emergency Medical Technician scholarships and support annual installation of officers banquet.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Help with the poor in the east Shoreline area with light bills.
Trinity Lutheran College
To design and construct a rain garden/cistern rainwater treatment and collection system to educate on low impact development techniques.
Washington Asian Pacific Islander Families Against Substance Abuse
Support fundraising to help youth deal with substance abuse/dependency issues and provide alternatives.
Level $2,501 to $5,000
Arboretum Foundation
Environmental Education Programs working with Tribes on Native Plants and People and tree growth and development, wetlands,& plant biology.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Island County
Mentor high risk teen and pre-teens - those living with abuse, home, poverty and drugs.
Boyer Children's Clinic
Serves young children with developmental disabilities and neuromuscular disorders in the classroom, home and community settings.
Burned Children's Recovery
Support burned children to attend camp to learn skills to return to society and deal with social rejection.
BYTM (Building Youth Through Music)
Educate children 4-8 how their activities effect water quality of Puget Sound.
Camp Fire USA
To support the Mega Club program for low income children living in subsidized housing complexes.
Camp Korey
Provide children with life-threatening and serious illness with therapeutic recreation programs so children can surpass their supposed limitations of their illness.
Cascade Valley General Foundation
To replace the LEEP equipment to perform cervical cancer treatment at the Women's Health Clinic.
Child Care Resources
Help homeless families obtain child care, subsidies, and community resources supportive to homeless youth.
Charity Report
Charity Report
Everett Public Schools Foundation
To support the neediest kindergarten kids with tuition assistance for academic readiness to learn.
Families & Friends of Violent Crime Victims
To provide seed money for expanding office due to increase need in area.
Filipino Cultural Heritage Society of Washington
To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Seattle Worlds Fair.
Global Community Institute
To support low-income students with Compass Mentoring Program Pilot Project with organizational and planning skills.
Greater Maple Valley Community
Support the Peanut Butter, Jelly and Books summer reading program for low-income transient housing area in Maple Valley.
Help impoverished children in school with basic supplies for improved learning achievement.
Lake Stevens School District
For Occupational and Physical Therapist equipment for motor-planning, gross motor and sensory processing skills.
Lutheran Community Services
Services including mental health, refugee resettlement and permanency for children with family reunification, foster care and adoption.
Mt. Pilchuck Elementary School
To work with students with developmental delays and cognitive disabilities with "Leader in Me" training.
N. Lakewood Instrumental Music Booster Club(NLIMBO)
To replace portable sound system, choir robes and replace percussion instruments too old for use.
For the field science education program for underserved schools-3-5 day program in Olympic National Park.
Peace Out
Bring at-risk middle school students a meal and program to create community leaders, doers and philanthropists.
Port Gamble S'Klallam Foundation
Support the Cultural Resources department by expanding language and culture classes for tribal children and adults.
Quinault Canoe Society
Support the paddle to Squaxin 2012 - a spiritual and personal journey affecting youth to promote, strengthen and preserve culture.
Salish Sea Expeditions
Participation by low-income youth in its Sound and Source program, through with 5th - 12th graders design, carry out and report results of marine and watershed research.
South Whidbey Schools Foundation
To provide hands-on vocational training for alternative high school students.
Teen Feed
To assist homeless youth with basic needs, build relationships provide future through case management.
The Power of Hope
To support youth through arts-centered, multicultural and intergenerational learning programs that value self-awareness, leadership, community and social change.
Toddler Learning Center
For infant toddler educators like occupational and physical therapists and speech therapists for those with delayed development.
Washington State Association for Multicultural Education
To provide topics such as bullying, racism, cultural competence, bias, privilege, etc. through various conferences in WA State.
Level $5,001 to $7,500
Everett Public Schools Special Service Department
To support special education for 3-5 year olds with new technology that provides diverse learning applications for the needs of each child.
Imagine Children's Museum
Expansion due to growing population in community - recurring gift
Merle Williams Ministries
To host special meetings, annual meetings to provide music, ministering, testimonies, past experiences of drug and alcohol.
Renton Historical Society
Coast Salish storytelling for the 4th grade curriculum "The Life of the Coast Salish Native American of Central Puget Sound before the arrival of People of European Descent".
Safe Crossings Foundation
Help grieving children cope with loss of loved one through counseling, bereavement groups, seminars and camps.
Seattle Foundation
To provide students/teachers electronic version of FIRST PEOPLES, PAST, PRESENT-featuring local Tribes in Seattle Times
Level $7,501 to $10,000
American Friends Services Committee
Increase progressive leadership for economic and healing justice, build organizational capacity and strengthen and affirm cultural and political identities of Native Americans.
Animals as Natural Therapy
To provide life skills that help youth transform themselves into powerful and positive forces.
B.R.I.D.G.E. Building Respectful Interactions to Develop Goals for American Indian Elders and Youth
Natives tutoring Natives; Cultural Workshops; Native American Literature Lending Library; Amanda Alert Talking Circles; and Shape Shifters Clothes Closet.
Blue Skies for Children
To raise hope and self-esteem in our homeless, low-income and foster children who are ages 6-15 with sponsorship of enrichment activities
East County Senior Center
Promote the physical, emotional and economic well-being of older adults and promote their participation in all aspects of community life.
Edmonds School Dist#15/Title VII Indian Education
To support the Since Time Immemorial Tribal Sovereignty curriculum, conferences, summer school/credit retrieval, youth camp for at-risk, low income families.
Greater Trinity Christian Learning Academy
Support the children latch key program and promote mental, social emotional, physical and spiritual development of children.
Indian Shaker Church
Teach Christian and Spiritual values, replace and reconstruction for Mud Bay Mother Church.
Pregnancy Aid of Snohomish County
Provide babies in County with clothes, diapers, formula, furnishings and new car seats.
Rotary Encore Committee of District 5050
PolioPlus fundraiser to rid the endemic nations of the disease.
Seattle Jobs Initiative
Create opportunities for people to support themselves and their families through living-wage careers.
Senior Services of Snohomish County
To provide services to older adults, people with disabilities and their family caregivers so they can live independently-nutrition, housing, transportation and social services.
Youth Support Program
To purchase Compass Learning Program for Grades K-12-that supports math, science and reading subjects.
Level $10,000 plus
Faith Outreach Mission of Tacoma
Feeding program, Youth Summit against drugs/gangs, back to school clothing.
Lummi Nation Service Organization
Recruit and support tribal students to earn a PhD in Indigenous Studies to Defining the Future of Indigenous Nationhood in the 21st Century.
Native American Law Center
Provide direct legal representation to tribal members in criminal cases, represent parents in actions involving tribal proceedings regarding children, participate in US Supreme Court project, training.
New Earth-Tierra Nueva
Faith House-women's clean and sober house for a safe, loving high accountability and substance-free housing.
Olive Crest
To provide cultural workshops for Native foster children including drum making, singing and regalia making while fostering relationships with tribal elders.
Charity Report
Charity Report
Operation Homefront
Emergency financial assistance and food assistance for families of our service members and wounded warriors.
Seattle University
Provide sports programs designed to promote college graduation as an expectation via: basketball tickets, mini-tourney, campus tours, basketball camp/clinic, and scholarships for other SU sports camps.
Snohomish County Superior Court
To support non treatment services for the Juvenile Offender and At Risk Youth Drug Treatment Courts serving youth.
Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Inc.
Raise funds for free mammogram screening for un-insured and under-insured, provide education and outreach and financial support for urgent necessities for cancer treatment.
Swedish Medical Center Foundation
Support cardiovascular ultrasound diagnostic imaging equipment and treadmills for the Cardiovascular Diagnostic Imaging Center.
Wholeschool Organization
The YETI Club Tribal Project will provide a Summer Camp Workshop Series in Tulalip BGC and a 10-wk pilot program of the YETI workshop that empowers youth to cope with difficult situations and be positive.
Tribal membership/invest in youth/healthy communities/expansion-MULTI Year Commitment