2019 2nd Quarter Community Impact Funds Recipients
Level $500 to $2,500
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Island County
To help provide community and school based mentorship programs for low income high risk youth.
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Bridges of Love Northwest
To help provide direct program support for hotline services helping low income.
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To help expand and leverage the "Next Steps" program allowing women to find healing and empowerment.
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Coupeville Farm to School
To help provide sustainable educational opportunities for the students.
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Darrington School District
To help purchase new jerseys, equipment, pay fees and help with sports teams expenses.
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Edmonds Community College Pow Wow
To help support dancers and drummers honoraria.
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Emerson Elementary School
To help provide a trip to Tillicum Village on Blake Island.
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Everett Public Schools Foundation
To help support the Everett "Ready, Jump, Start" program with early learning intervention experience.
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Faith Action Network
To help support people of many faiths working together for the common good.
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Granite Falls Foursquare Church/The Fathers House
To help renovate an unused section of the building to expand the food bank and recovery meeting area.
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Helping Hand of South Whidbey
To help provide South Whidbey residents with emergency rent and electricity funding.
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Holman Recovery Center
To help support hiring Ascension Recovery Services to move Holman Recovery Center forward.
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Homestead Community Land Trust
To help support building 24 new homes for the low-income.
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Interfaith Association of Northwest Washington/Interfaith Family Shelter
To help provide case management for the Interfaith Family Shelter.
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To help support the "Immediate Needs" program for students.
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Issaquah Food & Clothing Bank
Jefferson Land Trust
To help provide support for farmland preservation in Jefferson County.
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Karshner Museum and Center for Culture & Arts
To help provide a series exploring cultures from Washington State, science, and literacy.
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Living Voices
To help support the Native vision with awareness of native history, sharing accomplishments and traditions.
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Charity Report
Mary's Place Seattle
To help provide a safe inclusive shelter and services supporting homeless women and children.
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Millionair Club Charity
To help provide supportive job ready employment services.
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Minuteman Fund of Washington
To help provide emergency assistance grant program for rent, utilities, vehicle repairs, and groceries.
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Native Arts & Cultures Foundation
To help purchase art supplies and tools.
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Northwest Heritage Resources
To help support "EchoX", an ethnic cultural heritage online exchange.
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NW Hearts United Foundation
Olympic Film Society
To help support the preservation of the Capitol Theatre by restoring the original awning, and facade windows, etc.
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Olympic Neighbors
To help transport residents to appointments, work, and course classes.
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On the Boards
To help support the "Artist Access" programs.
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Penny's Place
To help facilitate weekly group dinners, provide healthy support systems and sense of security in community.
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Pongo Publishing/Pongo Poetry Project
To help support Washington State Psychiatric Hospital's Child Study and Treatment Center helping 70 youth.
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Charity Report
Rain City Rock Camp
To help provide day camps, an internship program, and an advanced music camp.
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Charity Report
Schack Art Center (Arts Council of Snohomish County)
To help support a mission to improve nutrition at food banks and feeding centers through the use of seafood.
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Seattle's Union Gospel Mission
To help serve, rescue and transform the lives of homeless.
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Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council
To help support artists in school program by expanding arts learning for students and teachers.
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Solid Ground
To help support the Broadview Shelter for domestic violence, transitional housing and emergency shelter.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
South Whidbey Historical Society
To help support programming and services.
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Spin Café
To help support the food service industry vocational training program.
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St. Francis of Assisi School
To help purchase 30 Wacom Intuos pen tablets for art class rooms.
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Stillaguamish Valley Pioneers Association/Museum
To help upgrade two computers to track our artifacts and our photo collection.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
To help provide the venue rental fee during 14th annual "Tasveer South Asian Film Festival".
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The Talented Youth
To help support the 2nd Annual Film Career Day allowing children from Seattle free access.
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Totem Star
To help support free after school recording sessions and open mic/showcase.
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Two Hearts Pregnancy Aid
To help support technology needs and phone system.
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Vision House
To help support the Youth and Family advocacy program, promote stability, and strengthen parent-child relationships.
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Charity Report
Wallingford Community Senior Center
To help provide food, nutrition, health promotion, education, and social services.
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Charity Report
Washington FIRST Robotics
To help support the "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" trainings for mentors and coaches in Snohomish County.
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Washington Trust for Historic Preservation
To help support the "Annual Youth Heritage Project" with interactive field school that High School age youth learn about history.
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Way Back Inn
To help provide clients with bus passes, school supplies, and case management.
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Whatcom Peace & Justice Center
To help provide American Sign Language interpretation at public events and board meetings.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Work Force Development Center
To help provide for an Aerospace Assembly Mechanic Youth Apprenticeship and Job Placement Services Program.
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Charity Report
Yoga Behind Bars
To help provide effective tools of rehabilitation for incarcerated youth and adults.
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Charity Report
Young Women's Christian Association
To help provide emergency and transitional housing, advocacy and support for single women.
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Level $2,501 to $5,000
Adopt a Stream Foundation
To help provide planting maintenance at Strawberry Fields Athletic Park.
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Charity Report
Alpha Supported Living Services
To help sponsor the 2019 "Giving Through Song" benefit Dinner to assist clients with Autism.
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Arlington Kids' Closet
To help provide clothing and hygiene essentials for low-income students.
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Assistance League of Everett
To help support "Operation School Bell" providing new school clothing for 4,500 low income students.
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Charity Report
Best Dental Help
To help expand outreach.
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Calvary Arlington
To help support a fundraising golf tourney for "Operation Christmas Child".
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Camp Fire Central Puget Sound
To help Improve the challenge course by adding a climbing wall.
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Cancer Lifeline
To help provide life changing resources to patients, survivors, and care-givers.
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Cedar Heights Middle School
To help support renovating the greenhouse and adjacent raised garden beds.
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Christmas House
Classical 98.1
To help support Northwest Focus broadcast and the weekly show.
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Community Resources Foundation
To help support the "Davis Place Teen Center" providing a free, safe space, after school program.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Conservation Northwest
To help support the "Central Cascades Watershed Restoration Project".
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Charity Report
Edmonds Senior Center
To help support the senior center's bi-monthly newsletter.
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Environmental Science Center
To help support "Toddler Time", engaging toddlers and caregivers in science themed activities.
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Charity Report
Food Lifeline
To help support serving 700,000 people yearly from going hungry.
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Growing Veterans
To help support expanding the organic care farm.
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Healing Lodge of the Seven Nations
To help support the Orientation and Integration Unit serving youth first.
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To help provide food and emergency financial assistance to the homeless.
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Charity Report
Imagine Children's Museum
To help provide a four story expansion adding a cultural segment.
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To help support science education for 3rd-8th grade students and watershed information helping low income students.
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Charity Report
Junior Achievement of Washington
To help provide life skills and educational enrichment programs.
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To help provide funding for uncompensated care, scholarships, physical therapy, special education and speech therapy.
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King County Library System Foundation
To help support the "Literacy Lions Gala" fundraiser.
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Low Income Housing Institute
To help provide case management, supportive services, and housing to homeless and low income families.
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Mountainview Daycare Nutrition Program
To help provide nutritious food to more kids in child care and home daycare providers.
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New Beginnings
To help support the "Break the Cycle" domestic violence prevention, intervention, and education.
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Charity Report
Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment
To help support tribal youth activities providing garden work with native plants, fruit trees, and berries.
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North Cascades Institute
To help provide scholarships for native youth to participate in youth leadership adventures.
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Northwest Language & Cultural Center
To help expand global culture experiences to Coupeville and Oak Harbor districts.
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Northwest Youth Services
To help support the Transitional Living Program and Vocational Readiness Program.
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Charity Report
Olive Crest
To help support a ground breaking program for children entering foster care for the first time.
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Operation Nightwatch
To help provide support services for the shelter and homeless adults.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Pacific Ohana Foundation
To help support the learning center's cultural programs, the "Kalama Festival" and "Kanaka Legacy Films".
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Pacific Rim Institute for Environmental Stewardship
To help provide restoration of the delegated habitat on Whidbey Island and Puget Sound.
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Pacific Science Center Foundation
To help provide access to the Science Pipeline for tribal communities across Washington.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Path with Art
To help increase the number of site based art workshops offered at social service partner locations.
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Charity Report
Pediatric Interim Care Center/The Newborn Nursery
To help support the "Infant Withdrawal Program" with 24-hour medical monitoring and nursing care for newborns with drug withdrawal.
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Charity Report
Pike Place Market Foundation
To help support the 2019 program priorities for a healthy community with food security, economy stability, and healthcare.
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Plymouth Housing
To help support the "Housing Support Program" dealing with long term homelessness, and intensive support services.
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Powerful Voices
To help support the "Employment Readiness Program" supporting 40 girls of color.
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Pregnancy Choices of Skagit County
To help purchase needed items for the "Thriving Heart" program.
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Raven Rock Ranch
To help provide equine therapy programs for children and teens suffering from trauma and abuse.
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Charity Report
Red Tailed Hawks Flying Club/Black Pilots of America
To help support the underserved youth program with introduction to aviation, STEM, and encouraging aerospace programs.
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To help provide a fundraising luncheon supporting the mental and behavioral health needs of the community.
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Sail Sand Point
To help support a kickoff party for the summer campaign and provide a new safety boat.
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Saint Martin's University
To help purchase a human patient simulator/manikin for the nursing program.
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SEEDArts (formerly known as SouthEast Effective Development)
To help support the Arts Gumbo and Open Air Series with a free culturally diverse arts experience.
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Charity Report
Snohomish Education Foundation
To help support academically struggling students from low income families with tuition waiver assistance.
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Snohomish Health District
To help purchase refreshments for Medical Reserve Corps trainings and exercises.
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Sound Child Care Solutions
To help integrate trauma informed care into two refugee and immigrant family centers.
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Charity Report
Sound Works Job Center
To help provide current labor market information with access to over !,500 open jobs.
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Southeast Seattle Education Coalition
To help support SESEC's 2019 Family Engagement Survey which will affect systemic changes within our schools.
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Steel Magic Northwest
To help provide a low tuition youth program for families that can't afford other after school activities.
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Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society
To help provide library expenses for a 6 month period.
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Sunshine Physically Challenged Foundation
The Common Acre
The Healing Center
To help provide grief support groups for children and adults.
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The Sophia Way
To help support construction of the new overnight shelter and day center for women and families.
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Charity Report
The TEARS Foundation
To help provide financial assistance to low-income families when their child dies.
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Toddler Learning Center
To help support and expand therapy, education, and parental support.
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University Beyond Bars
To help expand cultural exploration, financial fitness, sustainable practices and leadership development.
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Charity Report
University of Puget Sound
To help provide scholarships to those who identify as Native American.
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Charity Report
Washington Association of Land Trusts
To help support community forests in addressing Puget Sound recovery and local economic development.
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Charity Report
Washington Environmental Council
To help support Orca month which is a series of events celebrating and promoting the recovery and protection of the southern resident.
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Charity Report
Washington State University Foundation
To help send campers to the Na-ha-shnee Native American Health Science Summer Institute.
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WestSide Baby
To help provide 20,000 children with clothing, car seats, cribs, strollers, and diapers.
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Wonderland Child & Family Services
To help provide an early intervention program for infants and toddlers with developmental disabilities and delays.
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To help provide support services for homeless youth and young adults.
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Charity Report
Level $5,001 to $7,500
Crohn's & Colitis Foundation
To help support "Camp Oasis" summer program for kids with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.
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Charity Report
Economic Opportunity Institute
To help sponsor the "Changemakers Dinner" September 2019 addressing inequities and disparities in Washington State.
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Red Curtain Foundation for the Arts
To help support the 2019-2020 theatre season with 7 mainstage plays and musicals.
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Safe Harbor Free Clinic
To help expand the healthcare operations directly into serving clients.
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Level $7,501 to $10,000
Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians
To help provide convention sponsorship.
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Camp Korey
To help support 1,600 kids with hospital outreach, food, lodging, medical care, arts, and fishing, etc.
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Charity Report
College Success Foundation
To help provide sponsorships, scholarships and "Governor's Cup" for low income underserved youth.
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Monroe Police Department
To help equip all enforcement vehicles in Snohomish County with AED's.
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Charity Report
National Conference of State Legislatures
To help support the 2019 Annual Meeting and Professional Development Seminar.
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The Historic Everett Theatre Preservation Society
To help support the upkeep and repairs to structure and infrastructure.
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Western Washington University Foundation
To help support NASU (Native American Student Union) cultural events and academic support.
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Level $10,001 plus
Betty J Taylor Early Learning Academy
To help support the special enrichment program, provide materials for outdoor learning, and food.
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Hibulb Cultural Center & Natural History Preserve
To help provide the resources to continue HCC diverse and dynamic programs and projects.
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Junior Achievement of Washington
To help support tribal youth at Quil Ceda Tulalip Elementary and Boys & Girls Club.
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Providence General Foundation
To help sponsor the "2019 Festival of Trees" at the Tulalip Resort Casino benefiting children services.
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Providence Institute for a Healthier Community
To help sponsor the "Edge of Amazing 2019" held at the Lynnwood Convention Center.
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Seattle University - Center for Indian Law & Policy
Snohomish County Music Project
To help increase staff to 3 full time employees supporting tribal youth music therapy.
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The Tulalip Tribes Treaty Office
To help support the long term plan for use of off reservation treaty areas.
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Tulalip Boys & Girls Club
To help support the golf fundraiser and the Gala.
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Tulalip Tribes Rediscovery Program
To help purchase a vehicle and hire a consultant for film production first foods program.
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Tulalip Tribes Youth Services
To help upgrade the concession facility to better serve the community during games and community events.
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University of Washington School of Law
To help support the Tulalip Court public defense clinic.
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To help provide Tribal membership to the Marysville branch.
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