2014 4th Quarter Community Impact Funds Recipients
Level $500 to $2,500
danielandsomesuperfriends / DASSdance
To support dancepalooza, Contemporary Dance Festival, master classes, and performances.
Denise Louie Education Center
To help promote school and life readiness by providing multi-cultural early learning services.
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Economic Opportunity Institute
To support the Paid Sick Leave Compliance Project to assure that workers have access to paid sick days.
Ecostudies Institute
To support a citizen science project to investigate the effects of estuarine restoration on water birds.
Evergreen Chidlren's Association / Kids Co
To support Kid's Co. 25th Anniversary Celebration: A Reunion of Friends.
Freedom Education Project Puget Sound
To expand college program for women prisoners to the Mission Creek Correctional facility.
Greater Tacoma Community Foundation / Family Justice Center
To provide emergency services to domestic violence clients with housing, food, lock changes, and relocation.
Greater Trinity Academy
To support a Kindergarten Readiness Program with STEM related curriculum and academic assessment tools for students.
Hospitality House
To support a 90 day shelter for homeless women.
Intiman Theatre Company
To support the 2015 Festival: Witch Hunt: The Children's Hour; Orpheus Descending; and John Baxter is a Switch Hitter plays.
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Jobs for Washington Graduates Inc.
To provide Snohomish County School students with interview skills, workplace clothing, bus passes, healthy food, and supplies.
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LEV Foundation
To sponsor Parent & Community Training series and breakfast fundraiser with the goal to improve public education from early learning to higher education.
Lions Camp Horizon
To purchase a commercial dishwasher and refrigerator for the Lions Camp Horizon special needs summer camp facility.
Lupus Foundation of America
To support educational symposium at Providence and statewide support group facilitator training.
Market Childcare Center / Pike Market Child Care
To provide tuition assistance to low income families enrolled in the new baby room.
Marysville Junior High / Totem Middle School PTSA
To purchase food for the all-school student showcase spaghetti dinner promoting community and school spirit.
Mount Baker, Theatre
To support 3,000 children to see a performance of Flat Stanley at the Mount Baker Theatre.
Mt. Baker Council, Boy Scouts
To boost youth and adult recruiting efforts in un-served and under-served neighborhoods.
To support the Community Peacemaking project, a project to increase relationships in communities through creative, education, and volunteer projects.
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Museum of Glass
To support the Visit program which serves over 7,000 students per year, many free of charge.
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Neighborhood House Inc.
To help deliver holistic, wraparound employment, housing stability, financial empowerment, and family support services.
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New Earth / Tierra Nueva
To support the New Earth Recovery-drug and alcohol recovery programs: Faith House (women) and The Trust (men).
North Helpline
To support the food bank, emergency financial assistance for eviction or utility shut-off notices, and homeless with move-in costs, etc.
Pushing Boundaries
To help provide intensive exercise based recovery therapy for people paralyzed due to injury or illness.
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Rebuilding Together South Sound
To assist with free emergency reports and home modification to low-income homeowners (elderly, disabled, and people with children).
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Safe Futures Youth Center
To support the Comprehensive Family Model-5 core programs to address different types of barriers to success.
Seattle Public Theatre
To support the Youth theatre training program: teachers and tuition assistance for low income students.
Seattle Repertory Theatre
To support the Y-WE Speak-program, a program for young women to create theatre pieces based on their life experiences to empower and increase leadership skills.
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SPARC-Skagit Preschool and Resource Center
To provide initial home visits, including assessment and individualized family support.
The Nature Consortium
To support community enhancement programs creating a healthy, engaged community and program increasing efficacy.
Washington DECA
To support DECA Advisor Marketing Educator/Teacher Training and Development Program.
Whidbey Children's Theatre
To support theatre for Young Audiences - the program provides youth with productions that focus on issues that directly affect youth today.
YMCA Pierce County
To support children's program which enhances life skills for children & their primary care giver providing support for conflict resolution and empowerment.
Youth Theatre Northwest
To support outreach program includes in school Show-to-Go program.
Zimfest Association
To support the promotion and preservation of music and culture of Zimbabwe through an annual festival.
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Level $2,501 to $5,000
Adopt a Stream Foundation
To restore 1.8 acres of riparian habitat along Little Pilchuck and Dubuque Creeks.
Alzhemier's Disease and Related Disorders Association, Inc.
To assist with care consultation, support groups, a 24/7 helpline, and community education events.
American Indian Studies Department / UW
To support coastal artist Toni Jo Gobin workshops for students to learn how to make traditional cedar roses.
Animals As Natural Therapy
To provide low income at risk youth scholarships to Safety Net Project-Hope & Healing so they can better overcome the obstacles in their lives.
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Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound
To provide children facing adversity with strong support and one-on-one relationships.
Blue Skies for Children
To grant little wishes for homeless, low-income and foster children; providing enrichment activities.
Center for Ethical Leadership
To support the 2015 series of Uncommon Conversation -- bringing people from diverse backgrounds together.
Christmas House
To purchase gifts of toys and warm outerwear for approximately 9,000 children (0-18 years of age).
Clothes For Kids
To fill the needs in the school wardrobe program insuring that we have resources for all students in need.
Community Lunch on Capitol Hill
To replace the aging van (20-year-old), the van is vital to ensuring food and other supplies are available for meals for the needy.
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Consejo Counseling & Referral Services
To provide advocacy, transitional housing and other supportive services to domestic violence survivors.
Crohn's & Colities Foundation of America
To support Camp Oasis, a camp for youth ages 7-18 living with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis including support for them and their family.
Darrington Community Services
To replace center roof.
Edge Foundation
To implement and expand Edge Coaching Program, assisting at-risk middle and high school students to keep them on track for high school graduation.
Edmonds Community College / Boots to Books & Beyond
To provide veterans and their families with emergency funds and peer mentoring that will help them with college and overcome obstacles.
Emerson Elementary
To help with Tillicum Village transportation costs.
Everett Police and Fire Chaplaincy
To provide practical care and comfort to Everett Citizens affected by fire, medical emergency, death, or natural disaster.
Family Renewal Center
To support emergency escape rescue and relocation program for domestic violence victims.
To provide students with OJT, case management, and basic wrap around services for homeless and disadvantaged clients.
Friends of North Creek Forest
To create an interpretative ethnobotanical garden in North Creek Forest.
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Gilda's Club Seattle
To support Family Cancer Support Program and outreach to new families.
Global Community Institute / Explorations Academy
To provide students ages 13-18 with college preparation curriculum and hands on learning experiences for positive global change.
Greater Seattle Business Association
To support scholarships for LGBTQ and Native Americans.
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H3-Horses Healing Hero's
To support service men and women using equine assisted psychotherapy with PTSD, TBI and MST.
Heartbeat Serving Wounded Warriors
To support the Emergency Assistance program for wounded warriors and their families who are in desperate need.
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Humane Society for Seattle / King County
To provide services for low-income public middle school children, the program teaches compassion, respect, and responsibility.
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Independent Colleges of Washington
To support underrepresented minority, first-generation, and low income students recruitment for Washington higher education system.
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To provide immediate help to secondary students in need.
Ironheart Foundation
To support the purchasing of automatic external defibrillators for public places in Snohomish County, a referral program, and documentary.
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Kennedy Catholic High School
To provide financial assistance to local students who are members of Native tribal communities.
Literacy Council of Seattle
To empower diverse, low income adult learners to be successful in their jobs, families, and community with literacy.
Low Income Housing Institute
To provide supportive services to homeless, formerly homeless, and low-income families and individuals.
Mountlake Terrace Seniors Group
To expand the nutrition program, wellness, clinics, utilities, and maintenance for seniors.
North Lakewood Instrumental Music Booster Organization
To purchase, repair, and tune percussion instruments.
NW Furniture Bank
To help purchase a new forklift for the furniture bank.
NW Sustainable Energy for Economic Development
To help establish a clean, diverse, and affordable energy system based on efficient use of renewable resources.
Pacific Science Center Foundation
To inspire a lifelong interest in science, math, and technology by engaging diverse communities through interactive and innovative exhibits and programs.
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Parent Trust for Washington Children
To support Circle of Parents, Parent Education, Parent Support, Family Help Line, and Great Starts Programs
Peace Community Center
To help prepare low-income high school students for post-secondary education with Readiness Seminars.
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Penn Cove
To support the 2015 Penn Cove Water Festival.
Sanctuary Art Center
To support the 10th annual auction.
School's Out Washington
To support the Feed Your Brain site.
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Seattle Children's Theatre
To support the School Children Access Program, a program that provides subsidized tickets for all teachers and low-income students.
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Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group
To support Junior Stream Stewards, a watershed education program for 550 middle school students.
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Snohomish County Fire Fighters Pipe & Drums
To help provide replacement equipment, music lessons, and uniforms.
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Somali Community Services of Seattle
To help refugees undergo a smooth transitional process and attain self sustainable status.
South Kitsap School District / Indian Education Program
To provide additional academic support with after school tutoring: math, language arts, and reading.
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South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency (SPIPA)
To help develop a strategic plan that will guide SPIPA for the next 3 to 5 years.
Sunshine Physically Challenged
To help challenged minority children attend camp programs for disabled children.
The Healing Center
To provide bereavement services includes grief support group teens, training for on-site counselors, crisis intervention services for teens, and workshops for multiple agencies.
The Rescue Mission
To help provide safe and secure shelter, and hot nutritious meals for homeless women and families with children.
The Salvation Army
To fund the Prescription Assistance Program, a program for those who cannot afford their prescriptions.
The Whidbey Institute
To support the Community Garden Leadership Training Program, expand program for youth; increase quality of the program.
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Tomahawks Wrestling Club
To help with uniforms, camps, tournaments, and general operations.
Transitional Resources
To support renovations to the main kitchen and flooring in TRY House.
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Charity Report
United Way of King County
To support the Parent-Child Home Program, a program for low income families.
UW Foundation / Neurological Surgery
To support Brain Aneurysm & Vascular Disorders Research Program, the Aneurysm Genome Project.
Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
To sponsor 4th Annual Refuse to Abuse 5K for domestic violence prevention at Safeco Field on 7/18/15.
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Whidbey General Hospital Foundation
To improve the safety and care of mentally ill patients through facility upgrade and specialized staff training.
WSU Foundation / Beachwatchers
To coordinate and sustain Beach Watchers educational outreach programs for over 10,000 children and adults in Snohomish County.
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Level $5,001 to $7,500
Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra
To provide free instrumental music lessons for 650 public schools (grades 4th to 12th).
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Snohomish County Music Project
To provide a dedicated facility for the Casino Road Music Club, safe place for children's music enrichment activities.
Tears Foundation
To assist families with funeral expenses for infant or child.
Tierra Madre / Na'ah Illahee Fund
To match Google Community Fund and hire a full time program manager to coordinate our programs.
Level $7,501 to $10,000
Cocoon House
To provide emergency and transitional housing for homeless teens under age 18 in Snohomish County.
Hand in Hand
To provide food, clothing, medical care, and shelter for children removed from their caregivers.
Housing Hope
To provide intensive homeless family services to low income and homeless families in North Snohomish County.
To produce and deliver locally focused news, information, social civil debates, and commentary for Snohomish County.
Northwest Youth Services
To provide services for runaway and homeless young people services include emergency shelter, transitional housing, and other services.
Salish School of Spokane
To provide expansion of an immersion elementary school program including classroom and playground renovations and improvements.
Western Washington University Foundation
To support Native American Students, NASU pow wow, food, scholarships, and lecture.
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Level $10,000 plus
Affiliated Tribes of NW-Economic Development Corporation
To help design and build a website that creates a singular platform capable of linking procurement and communication exchange with in and across NW Indian Country.
Grants & Self Governance / TERO Construction Training
To fund a construction industry trades program including equipment and supplies.
Hibulb Cultural Center and Natural History Preserve
To provide the needed resources to continue the HCC's diverse and dynamic programs including signage, library resources, collection management, exhibitions, curriculum, and conferences.
Junior Achievement
To support students.
Marysville School District
To support and improve the educational environment for tribal children.
Native American Law Center-UW
To support the tribal public defense project in Tulalip Tribal Courts.
Native Women in Need
To support cultural services, advocacy, and mentorship to Native American women from violence, addictions, homelessness, and grief.
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Seattle University School of Law
To support full-time judicial clerk services to Tulalip Tribal Court.
To invest in youth, healthy communities, and expansion.