2018 1st Quarter Community Impact Funds Recipients
Level $400 to $2,500
Abused Deaf Women's Advocacy Services
To help support general operations for the disabled.
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Austen Everett Foundation
To help support expanding the Honorary Team Captain program capacity empowering more children.
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Bruin Community Parents
To help provide improvements to the weight lifting and workout rooms for Cascade High School.
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Building Youth Through Music
To help support reaching more homes by digitizing the educational content.
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City Fruit
To help support low income youth with Harvest Club afterschool sessions utilizing hands on and experimental learning.
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Community for Youth
To help support student mentors, training, workshops, and graduation ceremonies.
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Eastside Legal Assistance Program
To help support low income domestic violence victims with legal services.
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Economic Opportunity Institute
To help support collecting data providing changes to the 2019 legislative session.
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Edmonds Driftwood Players
To help support underserved, at risk, homeless youth by introducing them to live theatre.
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Edmonds Senior Center
To help support the bi-monthly newsletter sent to over 5,000 seniors annually.
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Family Justice Center Foundation
To help provide emergency services to domestic violence victims.
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Family Promise of Skagit Valley
To help provide those in need with minor vehicle repairs making getting a job more accessible.
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Filipino Community of Seattle
To help provide an innovation learning center and community gathering space.
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Fire Mountain Arts Council
To help assist staff with fulfilling scripting, costuming, prop, and set needs.
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Foundation of District 304
To help provide students with family cooking nights along with hands on garden and kitchen training.
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Gibby Home Fire Prevention
To help provide smoke alarms, installation equipment, prevention materials, and display.
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Grays Harbor College
To help develop an emergency operation center.
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Habitat for Humanity Tacoma
To help support low income families with an affordable homeownership program.
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Helping Hand of South Whidbey
Holocaust Center for Humanity
To help provide funding for school field trips.
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Innovative Services NW
To help provide positive behavior support in the early childhood project.
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To help support In depth reporting by veteran journalists and a fellowship internship program.
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Latino Educational Training Institute
To help provide students with 6 months of leadership training from local educators including civic, political, and business.
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Moisture Festival
To help provide high quality theatre support without increasing the cost of tickets.
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Northshore Senior Center
To help support an inter-generational music therapy program for the disabled young and adults with Alzheimer's, dementia, or Parkinson's.
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Northwest Athletic Conference
To help support the 2018 Women's and Men's NWAC Basketball Championship Tournament.
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Northwest Educational Service District 189
To help purchase robotics for the Discovery Cooperative Program with hands on experimental learning.
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Oasis Youth Center
To help support "Project 13", an innovative weekly program for LGBTQ middle school children.
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Outdoors for All Foundation
To help support enriching activities and outdoor events for children adults with disabilities.
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Powerful Voices
To help support a curriculum helping girls analyze oppression, power, privilege, and gender justice.
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Rain City Rock Camp for Girls
To help provide day camps, internship programs, and music camp during the summer and school year.
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Real Change Homeless Empowerment Project
To help support the "Vendor Voices" program which creates income for the homeless through chapbook sales.
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Seattle City Club
To help provide scholarships for the Civic Boot Camp programs.
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Skagit/Islands Head Start/ECEAP
To help purchase supplies, toys, and materials for dramatic play.
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Snohomish High School
To help support using sports as a catalyst to develop young peoples character, integrity, and sportsmanship.
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SouthEast Effective Development
St. Thomas More Parish Intercultural Commission
To help subsidize an event on diversity and culture and supply workshops for community building.
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Stanwood Community & Senior Center
To help provide upgrades to building safety and security video surveillance along with the recording and monitoring system.
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Stolen Youth
To help support expanding the program for new community safety and support to victims of sex trafficking.
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Studio East
To help provide opportunities for young people to discover and explore the performing arts.
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Tacoma Area Coalition of Individuals with Disabilities
To help provide program supplies, communication costs, data tracking, and evaluation for the wellness and recovery program.
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Tacoma Historical Society
The Common Acre
To help support "The Green Line", a large scale pollinator conservation project along City Lights transmission corridor.
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The Prison Scholar Fund
To help support an Operations Manager to oversee program expansion and fundraising.
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University of Washington Foundation
To help support the 2018 Haring Center Auction benefiting scholars, education and service professionals.
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Vashon Center for the Arts
To help provide scholarships for low income families to enroll in art education classes.
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Vashon-Maury Island Land Trust
To help provide sponsorship for the 20th anniversary "Fisher Pond Preserves and Earth Day".
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Wallingford Community Senior Center
To help provide food, nutrition, health, education, recreation, social, and personal growth programs for seniors.
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Washington Environmental Council
To help support "Orca month", a series of events celebrating the southern resident killer whale.
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Washington State Historical Society
To help support the 13th anniversary offering "In the Spirit", a contemporary Native American art outdoor festival.
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Washington State University Foundation
To help support attendees at the 2018 "Na-ha-shneo summer Institute".
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Whatcom Dispute Resolution Center
To help support community mediation empowering friends and neighbors to resolve interpersonal and civil disputes.
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White River Valley Historical Society
To help support the new exhibit, "Sasquatch", an ancient native perspective on the mysterious beings of the woods
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Level $2,501 to $5,000
Arlington Youth Football Association
To help support upgrading safety gear, AEDs, and training tools.
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Cancer Pathways
To help support "Camp Sparkle" summer camp in Everett for kids and teens affected by cancer.
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Centrum Foundation
ChildStrive (formerly known as Little Red School House)
To help support transforming the Children's Village into a neighborhood community center.
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Communities in Schools Whatcom-Skagit
To help support an initiative designed to create a positive, inclusive school community through collaboration with a Native Support Specialist.
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D-1 Elite
To help provide scholarship funding for families in need.
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Dawson Place Child Advocacy Center
To help support children, coordination of services, and day to day operations.
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DeMiero Jazz Festival
To help provide family rental and production costs for 2019 festival.
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Divine Alternative for Dads Services
To help support educating fathers on their importance in the lives of their children.
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Downtown Emergency Service Center
To help support a Crisis Respite Program for emergency survival shelter services.
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Elan Vital Solutions
To help provide a portable "Salmon Run" hygiene platform on wheels for homeless to shower, do laundry, and have toilets.
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First-In Training and Education
To help purchase a fire engine to be used for students to achieve a realistic training experience.
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Foundation for Academic Endeavors
To help support the FAE summer academy which runs 5 weeks in the summer serving 250 children with 2 meals daily.
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Free Range Health
To help support community based integrative health clinics in Snohomish County for elders.
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Grass Roots Golf Foundation
To help sponsor the 14th annual fundraising event providing direct program services to youth.
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Heartbeat Family Support Services
Holy Rosary School
To help support the 7th and 8th graders building a tiny home with real world construction skills for donation.
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HopeWorks Social Enterprises
To help support job training for homeless and low income adults in Snohomish County.
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Housing Consortium of Everett and Snohomish County
To help support the "Housing Snohomish County Project" providing affordable housing needs for our area.
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Hugo House
To help support a Capital Campaign to build a permanent home for writers, readers, and story tellers for diversity.
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Humane Society of Skagit Valley
To help support creating and installing a sound dampening ceiling insulation in dog kennels providing less stress on the animals.
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KASL Academy
To help provide program supplies and technology classes for women and minorities to get jobs.
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Lincoln Theatre Center Foundation
To help support a sound and hearing campaign providing a new system for the 90 year old theatre.
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Low Income Housing Institute
To help provide case management and supportive services to homeless and low income families.
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Marysville Cooperative Preschool
New Beginnings
To help support the "Break the Cycle" program, a domestic violence and healing program.
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North Cascades Institute
To help provide Tribal and low income youth with Youth Leadership Adventure Scholarships.
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Northwest Harvest/EMM
To help support the Food Procurement Program by stocking food banks in the Puget Sound region.
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NorthWest Therapeutic Riding Center
NW Furniture Bank
To help sponsor a fundraising event to purchase household furnishings for low income families.
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One Heart Native Arts and Film Festival
To help support the 3rd annual film and arts festival by sponsoring Buffy Sainte-Marie live.
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Overlake Medical Center Foundation
To help support the Charity Care Program providing free or discounted care to low income patients.
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Pacific Rim Institute for Environmental Stewardship
To help enhance the capacity of restoration work throughout the region.
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Pioneer Human Services
To help support the annual fundraising luncheon benefiting client and community services.
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Plymouth Housing
To help provide intensive comprehensive support in stabilizing the lives of more than 1,000 homeless adults.
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Charity Report
To help support the 2018 "Social Justice Film Festival" highlighting issues of injustice and inequity.
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To help sponsor a gala auction supporting programs and services for disabled children, youth, and adults.
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Readiness to Learn Foundation
To help support the "Readiness to Learn" Foundation for at risk, disadvantaged, homeless, impoverished students.
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Salish Sea Expeditions
To help support students in the Puget Sound region and fundraising events for kids to learn science and maritime.
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Seattle International Film Festival
To help support the 2018 SIFF with over 400 films from 80 plus countries.
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Service Corps of Retired Executives
To help support fostering small business communities through mentoring and education.
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Skagit Adult Day Program
To help support adults with dementia with two day programs, education, and support group meetings.
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Sky Performing Arts
To help fund production costs for "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown".
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Snohomish County Music Project
To help provide comprehensive music therapy services for parents and children with risk factors.
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Sound Works Job Center
To help provide job placement assistance, career counseling, and one on one mentoring for those in need.
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South Whidbey Historical Society
To help fund an Office Administrator and create an exhibit.
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Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society
To help provide seminar tables, cart, scanning equipment, and software.
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The 9th and 10th Horse Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers Museum
To help support the cultural kids early learning educational program implementation.
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The Mockingbird Society
To help support youth who have experienced child welfare or are homeless in the Everett chapter.
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United Indians of All Tribes Foundation
To help support the 5th annual "Indigenous Peoples' Day" commemoration.
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Work Force Development Center
To help support an Aerospace Assembly Mechanic Youth Apprenticeship and job placement services program.
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Work Opportunities
To help provide interpreter services for the deaf and hard of hearing staff and clients.
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Level $5,001 to $7,500
National Indian Child Welfare Association
To help support the Defense and Tribal Family Advocacy Program protecting vulnerable Native Children and families.
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Level $7,501 to $10,000
Northwest Straits Marine Conservation Foundation
To help support the 20th Anniversary conference, bringing 200 members and volunteers together.
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Port Gamble S'Klallam Foundation
To help support the Stumpery garden showcasing S'Klallam's modern history timber industry and logging.
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Level $10,000 plus
American Red Cross Serving Snohomish County
To help support Hurricane Harvey victims.
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Hibulb Cultural Center & Natural History Preserve
To help support continuing HCC's diverse and dynamic collections, education, exhibits, library, maintenance, and marketing.
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Housing Hope
To help support tailored family services to families at Twin Lakes Landing helping them stabilize towards self sufficiency.
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Northwest Indian College Foundation
To help sponsor the 10th annual gala and "Celebrity Golf Scramble" supporting students educational goals.
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Seattle University School of Law
To help support Tribal court judicial clerks services.
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Skagit Valley College Foundation
To help support visits to Heritage, summer youth program visits to campus, and visits to schools to promote Skagit Valley College
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Snohomish County Health Leadership Coalition/YMCA
To help support the "LiveHealthy 2020 Collective Impact Initiative" promoting healthy nutrition, mental, and emotional well being.
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TERO Vocational Training Center
To help provide a direct training certification course for medical and dental assistance training and supplies.
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The Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians
To help provide sponsorships and conventions.
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The National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development
To help sponsor a 3 day economic/youth summit and jobs fair.
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The Puyallup Tribe of Indians
To help support the 2018 "Power Paddle Canoe Journey" to Puyallup.
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Tulalip Tribes Diabetes Care and Prevention
To help support reclaiming our Native Health with basketball shooting machines, fitness equipment, and food for Tulalip youth and elders
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Tulalip Tribes Events Department
To help support beach seining, a cultural activity bringing the community together.
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Tulalip Tribes Homeless Shelter
To help support rehabilitation for 6 cabin's walls, windows, paint, solar panels, security system, furniture, and appliances.
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Tulalip Tribes Natural Resources
To help provide camp for Tribal youth.
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Tulalip Tribes Senior Center
To help support the annual elders luncheon serving over 900 seniors and elders.
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Tulalip Tribes Youth Services
To help provide a storage facility, homework portable, concession upgrade, totem, intercom system, and backpacks.
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University of Washington School of Law
To help support the Tulalip Court public defense clinic.
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To help provide Tribal membership investing in youth and healthy communities for Marysville branch.
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