2017 1st Quarter Community Impact Funds Recipients
Level $500 to $2,500
Community-Minded Enterprises
To help support improving outreach, access and training.
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Economic Opportunity Institute
Fil Am Resources for Educational Advancement for Culture and Technology (Fil Am React)
To help support the "Consular Outreach Event".
Foundation for Academic Endeavors
To help support the "Summer Academy 2017" at Skagit Valley College.
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Frye Art Museum
To help provide free and low-cost youth art education programs.
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Grass Roots Golf Foundation
To help provide local youth affordable golf programs.
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Greater Seattle Bureau of Fearless Ideas
To help support creating a community of young writers.
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Hugo House
To help support raising the next generation of lifelong readers and writers.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
To help provide an immediate needs program for students.
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Mount Baker Theatre
To help provide two performances of "Wings of Courage" to 3,000 children.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Parent Trust for Washington Children
To help provide parent education supporting Snohomish County children.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Peninsula Hands On Art
To help purchase art supplies.
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Pilchuckers Youth Baseball Club
To help provide a safe and fun environment for youth.
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Steel Magic Northwest
To help support the after school music program.
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Tacoma Area Coalition of Individual Disabilities (TACID)
The Coffee Oasis
The Seattle Globalist
To help elevate diverse voices through media.
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Vashon-Maury Island Land Trust
To help support the fundraiser, "Big Sky" and the "Wild Scenic Film Festival".
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White River Valley Historical Society (WRVHS)
To help support exhibiting A-list Salish artists..
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Level $2,501 to $5,000
Abused Deaf Women's Advocacy Services
To help support the program for child survivors of domestic violence.
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Attain Housing
To help provide hot meals, homelessness prevention services, and transitional housing support for families.
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Austen Everett Foundation
Bellingham Food Bank/Alternatives to Hunger
To help provide milk for food banks and support to the milk money program.
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Bloodworks Northwest
To help work to prevent blood shortages in our communities.
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Brain Injury Alliance of Washington
To help provide social engagement opportunities for survivors, caregivers, and families.
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Cancer Pathways
To help support "Camp Sparkle" in Everett for kids affected by cancer.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Cascade High School Booster Club Football Program
To help provide updated safety equipment.
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Cascadia Art Museum
To help illuminate the cultural and social threads in northwest arts.
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Celtic Arts Foundation
To help support the Celtic culture through events such as "Highland Games festival".
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Centrum Foundation
To help support a fundraiser and promote creative experiences that change lives.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)
To help support the Christian school with training youth.
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To help support the fundraiser, "Bridges to Resilience".
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Community Homes, Inc.
To help support developmentally disabled adults with housing and other services.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
DeMiero Jazz Fest / The Friends of Frank DeMiero Foundation
Family Justice Center Foundation / Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
To help provide emergency assistance to victims of domestic violence.
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First-In Training and Education
To help provide firefighting and EMS classes.
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Heartbeat Family Support Services
To help provide educational and supportive programs for Native youth and families, cultural connections.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Home Spun Ministries
To help provide Community Emergency Response Team training.
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Hospitality House
To help support homeless women finding homes, health, and hope.
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Jubilee Women's Center
To help provide a fundraiser to support homeless and low-income women.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Kal Academy
To help provide women and minorities marketable technical skills training and job placement.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Latino Educational Training Institute
To help provide health and social services along with the "Day of Hope" community event.
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MOHAI/Historical Society of Seattle
To help support education programs for youth and teachers.
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Mustard Seed Project of Key Peninsula
North Cascades Institute
To help provide scholarships for Native and low income youth.
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Northwest Harvest
To help support the food procurement program.
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Overlake Medical Center Foundation
To help support the Charity Care program providing free/discounted care for those with low income.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Pioneer Human Services
To help provide a fundraising luncheon supporting individuals with criminal histories to lead a productive life.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Plymouth Housing Group
To help provide housing support and comprehensive services for the most vulnerable adults.
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Project Access Northwest
Red Tailed Hawks Chapter, Black Pilots of America, Inc.
Salish School of Spokane
Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF)
To help sponsor the SIFF with diverse films across from across the globe.
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Serenity Equine Rescue & Rehabilitation
To help support individual and group therapy using horses.
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Sno-Valley Tilth
To help support the education of organic farming.
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Sound Works Job Center
To help support low-income and homeless individuals prepare for employment.
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South Whidbey Historical Society
To help provide a part time Office Administrator.
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Studio East/Training For the Performing Arts
To help provide opportunities for young people in the performing arts.
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The Evergreen State College Foundation
To help provide art supplies for Tears of Du'kWibahl International Indigenous Artists.
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The Healing Center
To help provide grief support for our community.
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The Mockingbird Society
TPC Habitat for Humanity
To help support home construction and expansion of Grassroots Leadership Education.
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Washington Trust for Historic Preservation
To help support historic, cultural, and natural resources education for youth.
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Washington Vocational Services
To help provide summer camp for youth with disabilities and assist with adult transition to Independence Center.
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Washington Women In Need
To help support the education grants program.
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WestSide Baby
Work Force Development Center
To help support the Capacity Building Project serving students, increasing effectiveness, and sustainable growth.
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Level $5,001 to $7,500
Crossroads High School
To help support a drum making event, a prom, and a field trip for at risk students.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Edmonds Driftwood Players
To help support underserved, at-risk youth and their families.
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Friends of North Creek Forest
To help provide summer internships and stewardship education programs.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Junior Achievement of Washington
To help support Cascade Elementary, Cedarcrest Middle, and Marshall Elementary schools.
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Nellie Goodhue Group Homes
To help complete needed outdoor building maintenance on group home.
Charity Report
Charity Report
Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment
To help continue to assist future generations and develop a canoe project.
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NorthWest Therapeutic Riding Center
To help complete needed upgrades to fencing and trail riding area.
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Pilchuck Audubon Society
Pregnancy Choices
To help purchase 10 Cribs and mattresses, 5 Strollers and a Dell Server.
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Red Curtain Foundation for the Arts
To help provide fire and safety upgrades to the new arts center facility.
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Turning Point
United Indians of All Tribes Foundation
To help support the 4th annual Indigenous Peoples' Day commemoration Oct. 9th, 2017.
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Washington Water Trust
To help support improving and protecting stream flows.
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Washington Wildlife & Recreation Coalition
To help provide education, outreach, and advocacy efforts with emphasis on Tribes.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
Level $7,501 to $10,000
American Red Cross
To help support the Celebration of the 100th year anniversary, 2017.
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Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
To help support the "Breath of Life" Gala and Auction along with the Tulalip Great Strides walk.
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Free Range Health
To help support the community based integrative health care clinics in Snohomish County.
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Grace Academy
Greater Trinity Christian Learning Academy
To help expand the 2017-18 STEM Program.
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Leadership Snohomish County
To help support racial equity and inclusion work in Snohomish County.
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Living Wisdom School
To help provide tuition assistance for the scholarship fund.
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Recovery Café
To help support holistic programs for clients struggling with trauma, substance use, and mental health challenges.
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Stanwood Community & Sr. Center
To help purchase a vehicle for the Medicaid Transportation Program.
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Western Washington University Foundation
To help support Native American students with cultural events, lunches, diversity, lectures.
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Charity Report
Level $10,001 plus
Hibulb Cultural Center & Natural History Preserve
To help provide resources that will continue programs and projects through 2017.
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Junior Achievement of Washington
To help support Quil Ceda Tulalip Elementary students along with the Boys and Girls Club.
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Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe
To help provide a competition ready youth athletic field with synthetic turf.
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Makah Indian Tribe
To help provide training for the Makah Language for two teachers.
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Northwest Indian College Foundation
To help provide fundraisers for scholarships.
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Salmon Defense
To help support the Billy Frank Jr. fundraising golf tourney.
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Seattle University Center for Indian Law & Policy
To help provide Judicial clerk services to Tulalip Tribal Court 2017.
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The Tulalip Tribes-SpeeBiDah Event
To help support the Annual beach seining event.
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Tulalip Senior Center
To help support the Elders luncheon, Tribal Elder's Center Brunch and purchase a new van.
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Tulalip Youth Services Program
To help purchase athletic supplies, playground equipment, a computer program, and cultural supplies.
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Charity Report
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Charity Report
University of Washington School of Law
To help support the Tulalip Tribal Court public defense clinic.
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To help provide Tribal membership in the Marysville Branch only.
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