2012 1st Quarter Community Impact Funds Recipients
Level $500 to $2,500
Island County Historical Society Museum
To preserve and restore the 150+ year old Snakelum family canoe.
Lake Stevens Aquafest Association
To provide local community celebration to promote the general welfare of the community.
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Charity Report
Mountain to Sound Greenway Trust
Engage 2,000 local youth through a year-round series of hands-on restoration, trail building and educational projects.
National Parks Conservation Association
To support the 3rd Annual NW National Park Family Day and to protect and enhance parks for future generations.
Level $2,501 to $5,000
Adopt A Stream Foundation
To provide technical restoration assistance to streamside landowners in the Allen Creek watershed.
Arlington Kids' Kloset
To provide clothing, personal items to low income students.
Celtic Art Foundation
To assist with outreach efforts to under-served populations, introduce people of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds to their culture.
Eastside Interfaith Social Concern Council/The Sophia Way
To end homelessness in East King County with overnight shelter, support services, education and housing.
Edmonds Senior Center
To support the Senior Center's principal communications to 5,000 seniors and families.
Everett Police & Fire Chaplaincy
To provide care and comfort to those impacted by fire, medical, emergency or natural disaster and ongoing support to first responders.
Faith Harvest Helpers
To assist those in hunger with a commercial canning system to support operations.
Good Cheer Food Bank & Thrift Stores
To purchase truck to pick up donations of food, clothes and items for the thrift stores.
Hope Heart Institute
To support Teen Take Heart program teaching high school youth about heart health.
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
To support the Leukemia Cup Regatta fundraising event to assist local patients and do more research.
Little Red School House
To support Journey of Hope fund raising luncheon to assist developmentally delayed children.
Millionair Club
To support day labor program (work and skill development) and to transition to full-time jobs.
National Audubon Society
Tribal grassland conservation with Yakama Nation and Kalispel Tribes.
Page Ahead Children's Literacy Program
To provide new books for children from low-income families in Snohomish County.
Seattle Urban Academy
Provide Pacific Northwest history class to at-risk high school students.
South Kitsap School District / Indian Education Program
Three week cultural summer program: covers instruction, supplies and museum fees.
Volunteers of America Western Washington
To purchase additional shelving for the Snohomish County Food Bank Distribution Center which serves 350,000.
Washington State Court Appointed Sp. Advocates
Train volunteers to provide direct services (educational, healthcare and safe living environment) for children in foster care system.
Whatcom Volunteer Center
To assist elders and disabled with independence, cleaning, cooking, laundry, transportation, yard work and small repair.
Level $5,001 to $7,500
Disability Advocates for Cystic Fibrosis
To provide advocacy services to low income families dealing with cystic fibrosis.
First Place
To provide culturally competent education, housing and support services enabling families to achieve permanent stability.
Charity Report
Charity Report
Imagine Children's Museum
Expansion due to growing population in community - recurring gift.
Northshore Wranglers Special Recreation & Services Program
To support Camp Killoqua for special needs: intellectual, cognitive and developmental disabilities.
NW Burn Foundation
To support summer camp for burn survivors 7-17 years of age providing much needed support.
Skagit Pre-School & Resource Center
To purchase educational and therapeutic supplies for developmentally disabled children.
Wellspring Family Services
Assist young homeless children and those with emotional and behavior challenges.
Level $7,501 to $10,000
ATNW Indian Economic Development Corporation
To provide financial and technical assistance for Indian businesses, inter-tribal cooperation and quality standardization.
Crohn's & Colitis Foundation
To help youth ages 7-18 living with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with Camp Oasis-one week in summer to be a kid.
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
To support 29th Annual Breath of Life Gala and Auction and Tulalip Great Strides Walk.
Evangelical Luthran Church / Bethany of the NW
Assist elderly and disabled with Medicare/Medicaid shortfall.
Heartbeat Family Support Services
To provide training for non-native foster parents who care for native foster children.
National Indian Child Welfare Association
To support the Formula for Impact programs series, focusing on academic success.
NW Harvest/EMM
To purchase food not donated: baby food/formula, backpack food, shelf-stable proteins like tuna, chicken and peanut butter.
Parent Trust for Washington Children
Parent education and support and child abuse and neglect prevention for at-risk families.
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance
To protect and preserve Puget Sound through stopping discharge of pollution into the Sound.
Rebound of Whatcom County
To support the technology resources traditionally unavailable to poor and underserved children.
Charity Report
Charity Report
Senior Services of Snohomish County
Senior Services is passionate about positive aging and remains committed to older adults. We serve the needs of seniors from the frail elder who requires support in daily living to the healthy, active senior seeking volunteer and leadership opportunities. Funding to Senior Services keeps elders in King County physically and emotionally healthy, socially engaged, well-informed and economically stable.
Charity Report
Charity Report
Smithwright Services
To provide residential services and medical supplies for severe developmental disabled persons.
Charity Report
Charity Report
Stilly-Snohohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force
To promote Be the Solution program public awareness about storm water pollution.
Washington Schools Foundation
Provide opportunity for 30 teacher development programs impacting 4,250 students.
Washington State Mentors
Mentoring helps at-risk kids stay in school, meet academic goals, and avoid negative behaviors.
Charity Report
Charity Report
Level $10,000 plus
Makah Indian Tribe
To provide safe and reliable transportation for elders, the handicapped and veterans living in remote locations.
Wonderland Developmental Center
To help parents help their children with delays and disabilities reach their full potential, entering school to learn.