2010 1st Quarter Community Impact Funds Recipients
Level $500 to $2,500
Live Food for Live People Services
To improve nutrition and develop children's healthy eating habits at early learning centers.
Rise n' Shine Foundation
To support mentor program, Magic Circle support groups, summer camp, and advocacy.
Snohomish County Human Services Department
To expand the Growing Groceries with Families project.
Stanwood-Camano Area Foundation
To celebrate the Stanwood-Camano Area Foundation 50th anniversary with a booklet documenting Stanwood area history.
Take the Next Step
To help with the 4th Annual Jazz Walk fundraiser.
Warm Beach Christian Camps & Conference Center
To upgrade and improve infrastructure and equipment for the Natural Wonders Outdoor Education Program.
Wellspring Family Services
For the Early Learning Center - Morningsong for homeless preschoolers and Cornerstone for support of those with emotional or behavioral challenges.
Work Opportunities Inc.
To promote self-determination, self-respect, and valued participation in community for people with disabilities.
Level $2,501 to $5,000
Assistance League of Bellingham
To support the Educational Enrichment Program that motivates students for summer learning.
Association General Counsel US Catholic Conference / Immaculate
To build a breezeway between the main school and St. Joseph Center to protect children and to use for play area.
Darrington Recreation & Education Foundation
To support funding of K-12 athletic equipment, safety equipment, cultural events, technology upgrades, and field trips.
Deaconess Children’s Services
For breaking the cycle of child abuse and neglect through prevention and intervention services.
First Nations at UW
To support the 39th annual Spring Powwow supporting 4 decades of native Student Activism/voice for change.
Granite Falls School District
To purchase new math books reflecting higher expectations of Washington State (grades 4-8).
Housing Hope
To provide comprehensive case management services to homeless and low-income families in the area.
Independent Colleges of Washington
Scholarship funds to support high-need Snohomish County low income students.
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc.
To sponsor the Light The Night Walk in Seattle which funds assistance for those battling blood cancers.
Little Red School House
To support the cost of an annual auction to support the children with developmental delays and disabilities.
Marysville Police Dept/NAMOA
To host regional training for 400 motorcycle officers in the region.
Meerkerk Rhododendron Gardens
To support and expand the outdoor environmental education for youth.
Northwest Association for Biomedical Research
To allow more students from underrepresented backgrounds the opportunity to participate in the Student Bio Expo.
Northwest Burn Foundation
To support summer camp for youth ages 7-17.
Northwest Harvest-EMM
To support the food purchase program: baby food, staples, shelf-stable proteins and kids backpack foods.
Parent Trust for Washington Children
To support the parent education and support program for women in treatment and to help fund the help line for at risk families.
Pediatric Interim Care Center
To care for newborns in the Pediatric Interim Care Center's Infant Withdrawal Program.
Providence Hospice and Home Care of Snohomish County
To support the Carousel Program which provides pediatric hospice, home care, and palliative care services for youth.
Saul & Dayee G. Haas Foundation
Serving secondary school students in need to keep them engaged in school or related activities.
Summit Assistance Dogs
To support an instructor to teach inmates how to train dogs, giving them new skills and responsibilities, and providing trained assistance dogs for placement within the community.
The Healing Center
To provide school outreach grief support program to middle schools.
The TEARS Foundation
To assist needy families with their infant's burial or funeral expenses.
University Street Ministry
To continue reaching out to youth in the streets through the Street Talk Outreach Program.
USO Puget Sound Area
To provide programs, services and a home away from home for military personnel and their families.
Valley General Hospital
To develop a new physical activity program for patients undergoing chemical dependency treatment.
Western Washington University Foundation
To Support Woodring College, a student of color scholarship that helps give Native American students a sense of community through a mentoring program.
Level $5,001 to $7,500
Central District Forum for Arts & Ideas
To support progressive programs encouraging thoughts on the role of Blacks in American society.
Community Enrichment for Klickitat County
To support Tribal performers and native foods for First Foods ceremonial meal in May 2010.
Imagine Children's Museum
To support facility expansion.
Skagit Preschool and Resource Center
To provide home visits and assessment services for young children birth to 7 years with disabilities and special needs.
Special Olympics Washington
Provide year-round athletic training and competition opportunities for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
Stilly Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force
To support the River Stewards Program, salmon education and service opportunities.
Youth Suicide Prevention Program
To reduce the incidence of youth suicide and self-harm by engaging with youth, parents, and adults, and to confront the issues of suicide and self-violence.
Level $7,501 to $10,000
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation-Washington Chapter
To sponsor the 27th Annual Breath of Life Gala and Auction/Tulalip GREAT STRIDES Walk.
First Place
To educate and nurture children whose families struggle with homelessness.
Northwest Indian Child Welfare Association, Inc.
To support Indian child welfare policy work and advocacy at the federal and state levels, and to improve court compliance and collaboration with tribes.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Western Washington
To assist families who are unable to pay with staying close to their child while they are hospitalized.
Sean Humphrey House
To modernize the heating system by providing a new furnace and electronic air filtering equipment.
The 13th Regional Heritage Foundation
To provide support for the Native Art of Dance and making regalia and its' meaning.
Upper Columbia United Tribes
To create a tribal mural for the enhancement of treaty rights, executive order rights, sovereignty, culture, fish, water, wildlife, and habitat.
Level $10,001 plus
Forward Veterans Group
To locate, identify and provide outreach to the veterans and families with post traumatic stress disorder.
Makah Tribe
To support the 2010 Intertribal Canoe Journey.
Marysville Fire District Foundation
To provide training facilities such as roof props and a tower for firefighters in the Marysville Fire District.
Northwest Film Forum and Longhouse Media
To help fund the SuperFly Education/Technology program for youth film making experience.